Honoring the Battles, Soldiers and Spirits


THE MARYLAND CAMPAIGN OF 1862: THROUGH ARKANSAS EYES Walker’s Division had been listening to the fire from the north with the knowledge that the battle would ultimately get to them. At about 9:00 AM a staff officer galloped up to Walker’s Command Post and ordered the division to go north at the double quick. D. R Jones’ Division was now …


THROUGH ARKANSAS EYES Why does one get an obsession? Is it a nudge in the right direction to enlist us in our rightful part of the divine scheme of things? I think it has been in my life. I watched the Ken Burns documentary on The Civil War in 1992 and of all the battles discussed the Battle of Antietam …

The Bloody Lane On September 12-14, 1997

The Bloody Lane On September 12-14, 1997, the 135th Antietam reenactment was held at the Artz Farm about 8 miles north of the actual battlefield and just about 1 mile south of Interstate 70. Battle reenactments can’t be held on National Military Parks because it is considered Hallowed Ground. However, the actual reenactment battle site was huge. At the time …