150TH SHILOH cont… I then traveled to

150TH SHILOH cont…
I then traveled to see where the reenactor parking was and got it fixed in my head. Then using the map of the area I finally found the entrance for King’s 2nd Division. It was a bumpy lane, but the Division Headquarters was well defined with a big sign indicated the Headquarters location. I asked one of the officers where the location of my battalion was and was directed to an area in the woods just down the road about 200 yards. However, when I checked the area just inside the wood line, only one officer was there and he didn’t know if he was in the right place or not either. So I got in my car and drove about half a mile down the road to another Headquarters Camp; found out it was another Division; and went back to the woods in which I had started. The first day at any reenactment is usually spent just trying to find either your unit or a familiar unit that can direct you to where your unit is located.

I retraced the road back to the woods I had originally entered; went further into the woods; and found Major Bringhurst, who was one of the Brigade Officers of King’s Texas Division. Since I was the only one from my unit, the 3rd Arkansas, that was going to participate in the Thursday and Friday tactical even, I asked him if I could join his unit during for the Thursday and Friday event. He said okay and I asked if I could leave my equipment at his campsite and go park my car. This was also granted.

You may ask what is a Tactical Event. It is a series of marches; skirmishes; and at least one night of sleeping out under the stars. It is not open to the spectators and you are like back in the army. You most often don’t know how long you will march; where the enemy will be; where you will bed down for the night; and you pray it doesn’t rain. The National Park service was gracious enough to allow us to actually enter the National Park in the area of the Fallen Timbers Skirmish site. This skirmish took place during April 7th, 1862, which was the last day of the Shiloh Battle.

Anyway, back to Thursday, March 29th, 2012. I drove my car back to the reenactor parking lot via the way I had come in; parked my car near the front of the lot nearest the road; and walked back to Major Bringhurst Camp. It was only about ¾ of a mile and was a lot closer than I had anticipated.