Vernon Dutton’s latest poem,” Shoulder to Shoulder”
Vernon Dutton’s latest poem,” Shoulder to Shoulder”, is a powerful statement of the heart of soldiers being the Voice of Peace in the world.
We’ve stood on the hills of Sharpsburg
and the plains of Gettysburg too.
We’ve held the line when all seemed lost
and suffered comrades losses anew.
The fear of battle has choked us time and time again.
But generations continue to rise up to fight evil’s plan.
We hate to be the fodder in so many, many wars.
But we must protect our loved ones always once more.
Our guns have been the catalyst that has shaped our destiny.
But it must change and so must our minds to help our country.
We’ve hated and fought the enemy to keep our way of life.
Now we need to implement a peaceful way to stop the world’s strife.
Our minds can be the catalyst to banish fear from the Earth.
The help of the Creator and his Angels will be our only girth.
The belt of Honor, the Shield of Love and the Sword of Truth
need be taught to our all our country’s youth.
They are the hope for the future and need guidance for this vision.
They will take the Colors from our hands and continue on this mission.
They will have better insight than we could ever imagine.
Their guiding lights will provide the way the Universe has sanctioned.
So here we are on this small orb and ask the questions every day.
Why am I here and what role do I play?
Our evolution has produced more questions than we can ever answer.
Some say we must have faith that God can remove all our cancers.
But lately in the quest for Life’s reason for being.
We have seen a new path to deliver us from killing.
The creator has always assigned us agents of change.
It is our mission to combine their messages in one that’s very plain.
The true conversion experience is the same in our religions.
The way we empathize it has always created our partitions.
The amalgamation of Earth’s creation with the Universal Plan
has been the real reason for the development of Man.
We with God’s Agents sometimes called our Angel Guides
have been assigned the task of ridding fear from our lives.
We must change our minds so that ego has no sway.
We must daily strive to fill our roles and search for the Heavenly Way.
So to this work we each must daily open up our minds.
We have help and guidance if we will just take the time
to let the Creator shine his light upon each of our faces.
Thus we stand shoulder to shoulder changing the Earth using God’s Graces.
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